If your genuine designer handbags are hidden under layers and layers of crumpled tops, shoes and dresses, it is time to organise your closet clutter. Having a disorganised closet can make getting ready for any event a nightmare. How are you supposed to choose an appropriate handbag if you cannot even find the desired outfit? The first step to organising your wardrobe is to separate your clothing into seasons. Ensure all of your winter clothing and boots are clean and store them away, out of the way. Having your entire clothing collection in one wardrobe can cause unnecessary clutter. Proceed to try on all of your summer clothing and shoes and put all ill-fitting, worn out and dated items to one side. You should now be left with only the clothes, shoes and genuine designer handbags that you wear. Storage solutions-Clothes, shoes and genuine designer handbags should be kept in separate compartments to avoid confusion. Over the door storage is a blessing for shoe lovers and is a great solution to that mixed batch of shoes and boots that covers your wardrobe floor. Shelving-If you do not angry bird want your genuine designer handbags to be crushed under layers of clothing and shoes shelving can make the perfect storage solution. Give your bags pride of place and show them off with closet shelves. Boxes-If you like your accessories invest in pretty storage boxes to store scarves, hats and gloves. You can store Air Swimmers these boxes on top of your wardrobe or on the wardrobe floor.